Orego-Stim has been developed to support optimum gut integrity and performance in calves and adult cattle.
The oregano essential oil within Orego-Stim acts as a flavouring compound which has been shown to improve palatability of milk and feed, supporting increased voluntary intakes.
- 100% natural, quality controlled, Oregano Essential Oil
- Aids palatability, which helps maintain a healthy digestive system
- Can be added through feed, milk and milk replacers
- Available as a powder or liquid for flexibility of inclusion.

Dairy Calves
The Importance of Gut Health

- Gut health is vital in supporting optimal calf growth and lifetime performance.
- Healthy calves make more visits to milk and concentrate feeders than diseased calves.
- Healthier calves at weaning, and those with a higher average daily gain (ADG) from birth to weaning, demonstrate a higher milk production during first lactation.
- A greater ADG and bodyweight is also associated with improved fertility in heifers.
- 1. Improved Growth Performance
Calves Fed Offered Orego-Stim in their Milk:
- Were 2kg heavier at weaning.
- Were 2.9 kg heavier at 70 days old.
- Visited milk feeders more frequently.
- Visited concentrate feeders more often, despite there being no Orego-Stim in the feed.
- 2. Reduced Cryptosporidia Shedding
The addition of Orego-Stim Liquid in the milk at 10ml per calf per day for 10 days significantly reduced shedding in dairy calves.
Cryptosporidia is a major cause of calf scour, causing long term damage to the gut lining, nutrient absorption, poor growth performance and can ultimately prove fatal.
- 3. Fewer Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria
Calves Fed Orego-Stim had Fewer Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria in their Gut
- Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious, global issue affecting all classes of livestock and humans alike, especially 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins that are listed as “Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials” (WHO, 2017)’.
- A trial has shown calves fed Orego-Stim, in the milk, had significantly reduced development of AMR in E. coli to 4th generation cephalosporins in the faeces.
- This effect was maintained even after Orego-Stim supplementation had stopped.
- 4. Improved Redox Status of Calves
Calves fed milk from cows supplemented with Orego-Stim indicated an improved redox status and lower oxidative stress.
High levels of reactive oxygen species can trigger oxidation and damage body tissues, known as oxidative stress. Newborn calves are subject to high levels of oxidative stress and the redox status of the dam may impact on the health of the calf. Aromatic compounds, known as phenols, from essential oils can pass into milk and may help support redox status in the calf.
This trial was undertaken to assess the impact of plant extracts fed to cows on subsequent redox status of their offspring.
Dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence of calf red blood cells (nmol/mg). Differing letters indicate significant difference (p<0.01). Dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence of calf blood plasma (nmol/mg). Differing letters indicate significant difference (p<0.01). - When essential oils are supplemented in the diet of the dam, compounds in the oils may be transferred from the dam into the milk.
- In turn, these compounds may be passed onto the newborn calf and alter redox status.
- The redox status is the balance between the presence of oxidants and antioxidants. The more antioxidants, the less the risk of oxidative stress within the calf.
- Calves fed milk from cows supplemented with Orego-Stim had lower reactive substances in their blood, indicating an improved redox status and lower oxidative stress.
Dairy Cows
Support Milk Yields and Intake
Orego-Stim in Dairy Cows has been shown to:

- Significantly reduce number of aggressive episodes pre-calving.
- Support enhanced welfare during the transition period.
- Significantly reduce milk somatic cell counts, high levels of which are an indicator of infection and can alter mineral flow in the udder.
- Lower levels of specific oxidative stress biomarkers, leading to greater milk production.
- 1. Fewer Aggressive Episodes Pre-Calving
Transition Jersey cows fed 10g per day of Orego-Stim Powder had:
- Less visits to the feed trough but also had fewer visits without eating.
- A tendency to spend more time ruminating.
- Significantly fewer aggressive episodes.
Transition cows are at a greater risk of disease or involuntary culling following any disruption to feeding and social behaviours.
Number of visits to the trough, number of visits without eating and number of aggressive interactions per day pre-calving.
- 2. Increased Milk Production Post-Calving
Transition Jersey cows fed 10g per day of Orego-Stim Powder had:
- A 14% higher dry matter intake
- A 16% greater milk yield and an 18% greater energy corrected milk yield.
Number of visits to the trough, number of visits without eating and number of aggressive interactions per day pre-calving.
Dry Matter Intake (DMI) (kg DM/day), milk yield (kg/day) and energy-corrected milk yield (ECM) (kg/day) post-calving. 22252201
Snippet – Dr Patha Ray, Reading University, presents ‘Strategies to Prevent Anti-Microbial Resistance in Calves Using Oregano Essential Oil’
Gain access to the full webinar by submitting the form below.
Webinar – Exclusive Access
- Quality Guaranteed
The Story of a Single Drop
This is the story of a single drop. Anpario takes great pride in the decades of research, manufacturing precision and strict quality processes that lead to the superior performance of the Orego-Stim product range. Sustainably delivering value, performance and higher profitability for producers worldwide.
From Process to Product
The natural Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) in Orego-Stim is extracted from Anpario’s exclusive oregano strain, cultivated organically in central Europe. From point of harvest through the unique extraction method and onward production processes, we protect the active properties in the natural oil to ensure a high-quality product every time.
(click to enlarge image)
Regular testing
Anpario take quality very seriously and testing starts before plants are harvested. Samples are taken from the crop to determine the levels of the main active ingredients, carvacrol, ρ-cymene and thymol, and at exactly the right time, the plants are harvested and brought to the distillery for oil extraction by steam distillation.
Anpario’s procedures of regular and routine testing of our oregano oil is essential and ensures that the Orego-Stim you buy is the same every time, avoiding undesirable variability.
Processing and manufacture
Significant research and expertise underpins the manufacture of the Orego-Stim product range, available in powder or liquid form.
Specially selected mineral carriers ensure a free-flowing and homogenous finished powder product. This is vital to any manufacturing process to allow even dispersion in the final feed. Orego-Stim Powder is then packed into foil bags and sealed to maintain the freshness over the two year shelf life. The selection of emulsifier and unique manufacturing process ensures our liquid formulation disperses easily and thoroughly in water for easy application.
Orego-Stim is unique as only the natural whole oil is used.
Orego-stim contains naturally occurring compounds which work in synergy to offer several well-documented properties and functions of OEO.
Natural Whole Oil
Synthetic Compounds
Consistency in every batch
Oregano Essential Oil used to produce Orego-Stim consists of 100+ naturally occurring active compounds, frequent monitoring ensures consistent quality batch after batch, which is vital to ensure product performance.
- Related Trials
Key Orego-Stim Trials in Calves:
Trial Summary – The Effect of Orego-Stim on Cryptosporidia in Calves
Trial Summary – The Effect of Orego-Stim on Antimicrobial Resistance in Calves
Trial Summary – Enhanced Growth of Calves Fed Orego-Stim
Trial Summary – Effect on Feeding Behaviour When Calves are Fed Orego-Stim
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