Maintaining a healthy appetite throughout all stages of calf development can help support lifetime health and performance.
The oregano essential oil within Orego-Stim acts as a flavouring compound which has been shown to improve palatability of calf milk pre-weaning and encourage feed intakes during the transition period from milk to hard feed.
- 100% natural, quality controlled, Oregano Essential Oil
- Aids palatability, which helps maintain a healthy digestive system
- Can be added through feed, milk and milk replacers

Calves Fed Oregano Essential Oil had Fewer Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria in their Gut
- Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious, global issue affecting all classes of livestock and humans alike, especially 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins that are listed as “Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials” (WHO, 2017)’.
- A trial has shown calves fed Oregano Essential Oil, in the milk, had significantly reduced development of AMR in E. coli to 4th generation cephalosporins in the faeces.
- This effect was maintained even after Oregano Essential Oil supplementation had stopped.
Snippet – Dr Patha Ray, Reading University, presents ‘Strategies to Prevent Anti-Microbial Resistance in Calves Using Oregano Essential Oil’
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- Quality Guaranteed
From Process to Product
The natural Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) in Orego-Stim is extracted from Anpario’s exclusive oregano strain, cultivated organically in central Europe. From point of harvest through the unique extraction method and onward production processes, we protect the active properties in the natural oil to ensure a high-quality product every time.
(click to enlarge image)
Regular testing
Anpario take quality very seriously and testing starts before plants are harvested. Samples are taken from the crop to determine the levels of the main active ingredients, carvacrol, ρ-cymene and thymol, and at exactly the right time, the plants are harvested and brought to the distillery for oil extraction by steam distillation.
Anpario’s procedures of regular and routine testing of our oregano oil is essential and ensures that the Orego-Stim you buy is the same every time, avoiding undesirable variability.
Processing and manufacture
Significant research and expertise underpins the manufacture of the Orego-Stim product range, available in powder or liquid form.
Specially selected mineral carriers ensure a free-flowing and homogenous finished powder product. This is vital to any manufacturing process to allow even dispersion in the final feed. Orego-Stim Powder is then packed into foil bags and sealed to maintain the freshness over the two year shelf life. The selection of emulsifier and unique manufacturing process ensures our liquid formulation disperses easily and thoroughly in water for easy application.
Orego-Stim is unique as only the natural whole oil is used.
Orego-stim contains naturally occurring compounds which work in synergy to offer several well-documented properties and functions of OEO.
Natural Whole Oil
Synthetic Compounds
Consistency in every batch
Oregano Essential Oil used to produce Orego-Stim consists of 100+ naturally occurring active compounds, frequent monitoring ensures consistent quality batch after batch, which is vital to ensure product performance.
- Related Trials
Key Orego-Stim Trials in Calves:
Trial Summary – The Effect of Orego-Stim on Cryptosporidia in Calves
Trial Summary – The Effect of Orego-Stim on Antimicrobial Resistance in Calves
Trial Summary – Enhanced Growth of Calves Fed Orego-Stim
Trial Summary – Effect on Feeding Behaviour When Calves are Fed Orego-Stim
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